Apple cider vinegar is having a bit of a moment again and with the health and wellness shots, powders, broths, extractions and IV drips getting increasingly more complicated and without much scientific backing, easy home remedies are welcomed. 

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented vinegar made from crushed apples into acetic acid. Whilst acetic acid is thought to offer some health benefits, it's the raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar versions that contains the cloudy ‘mother’ which contains the probiotics that are loved by our gut.

ACV also helps to balance blood sugar levels (a shot before a carb heavy meals), supports digestion, boosts our immune systems and helps with weight management. All of which makes a lot of sense, particularly for anyone focused on gut health. LINK 

But as anyone who has taken a pure ACV shot knows, it can be hard on the stomach, erode enamel and be a struggle to taste. So what are the options if you still want the health benefits?

Adding ACV to a wellness shot such as ginger, lemon, turmeric and honey. This will make it less harsh in flavour and add in an extra boost from the other ingredients. 

Dilute it with equal parts of water and use a metal straw to protect your tooth enamel. 

Add it to lemon, garlic, salt and pepper and pour over a green salad. 

Add it to green tea and honey but make sure the water isn’t too hot to damage the probiotics. 

One thing to note though is experts say to avoid ACV gummies and tablets. Gummies won’t be absorbed by the body well, the sugar in the gummy might actually give you a glucose spike and they aren’t good for your teeth. 

our favourite way: add it to lemon, garlic, salt and pepper and pour over a green salad. 

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